
Here are more reasons why supplements may not be working for you

1 Unrealistic or unpractical expectations of how natural supplements therapy work. 2.Unrealistic or unpractical beliefs that ONE supplements will significantly fix or resolve chronic illness symptoms.( Combinations are meant for that) 3.The supplements therapy IS working, but overwhelming symptoms block or skew objective evaluation. 4.Inadequate or improper dosage by following the RDA (i.e., too little, […]

Here are more reasons why supplements may not be working for you Read More »

Demystifying Natural Remedies: Understanding the Realities and Benefits of Supplement Use

it’s not uncommon to hear people say … “I’ve already tried that supplements It didn’t work for me.” Which then opens the door for further investigation. I may follow up with a few basic questions such as: 1 – What’s your definition of “trying it?” what type of supplement, the name brand, and/or the dosage.

Demystifying Natural Remedies: Understanding the Realities and Benefits of Supplement Use Read More »

Why You Need Supplements: The Reality of Modern Nutrition and Your Health

I hear people say they don’t need supplements it’s a waste of time and money They’re wrong In as much as I agree with the saying “let thy food be thy medicine” We have to be honest and realistic that in today’s world our food cannot be our medicine Due to alot of environmental facts

Why You Need Supplements: The Reality of Modern Nutrition and Your Health Read More »

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